Women Weave the Web

By World Pulse

Recommendations for Womens’ Digital Empowerment. Throughout 2014, we crowdsourced the wisdom and testimonies of women leaders worldwide on digital inclusion and empowerment via its Women Weave the Web Campaign.

Throughout 2014, we crowdsourced the wisdom and testimonies of women leaders worldwide on digital inclusion and empowerment via its Women Weave the Web Campaign. Did you know that today, two hundred million more men than women have access to the Internet? In mid- to low-income countries this statistic soars to a 25-40% access gap between genders. A host of cultural, economic, social, and infrastructural barriers keep women from accessing the empowerment potential of logging online

This 2015 report distills hundreds of womens’ voices from more than 70 countries to provide actionable steps that any individual or organization can take globally to ensure that women begin to have equal access to digital tools, digital literacy, and the empowerment that can come from being globally connected online.